Optimize YOUR nervous system
Robbin offers 1:1 coaching.
With 10 years of experience traveling the world exploring various modalities within breathing, movement and relational work, Robbin's lighthearted and embodied presence is a grounded and encouraging companion as you traverse the ups and downs of life.
Curious? Schedule a FREE 30 minute discovery call to see if you want to go further.
More than a breathwork practice, this is a way of being that can shift your life completely.
Breathing is actually secondary as Robbin helps you increase your capacity, granularity and receptivity of feeling your body. Indeed, it is feeling practice.
You know how to breathe. Your body knows how it wants to be breathed. We explore how your body guides you - in each session - but fundamentally in your daily life.
Long term mentorships, short term mentorships or individual sessions. Online or at location in Eidskog 1,5h east of Oslo.
Book A FREE 30 Minute Discovery Call with Robbin Now!
"Why all this breathing and feeling? I'm already breathing and feeling!"
Well, yes I'm glad you are!
However, does your body merely survive or does it THRIVE?
Does your body boom with life from the core of your being?
As a master controller of your nervous system's perception of safety, your capacity to breathe in a way that supports feeling awareness has the power to transform your life from the inside out.
Studies reveal that already at 5,5 years of age our breathing is compromised. Very early in life we begin to adjust and inhibit our natural, full self expression; we stop feeling our body and the absolute best way to feel less is breathe less. This is a natural response when we have experiences of losing connection and love or simply not being met and seen by our caretakers as we express ourselves.
For most of us, these are tiny moments of not feeling safe. Perhaps even being ‘shushed’ at or having a pacifier or something sweet shoved into our mouth - in any way invalidated when feeling and expressing ourselves.
As children we are predominantly in slower brain wave states, so we model everything we experience around us without any filter; “This is how the world works and this is what I need to do to be safe and loved”.
Tiny moments repeated over time literally wire our nervous system responses deep into our being, laying the very foundation for what we later come know simply as ourselves.
Breathing fuller brings our suppressed material to the surface; we feel more. As our nervous system and psyche have been shaped by feeling unsafe with these feelings they naturally come coupled with various degrees of for example anxiety, contraction, collapse or tension.
Bringing detailed awareness to feelings as purely physical sensations subtly changing and moving in the body lets us see through the illusion of stuckness and negativity. We experience firsthand that our resistance to feeling is what creates negativity, not the feelings themselves.
Our resistance to feel goes under the radar and is therefore often left unchecked. The result is a chronic state of low grade stress that keeps the organism in survival mode: stress hormones constantly circulating the blood, cells unable to repair themselves and an exhausted immune system. It is no mystery to me that we "suddenly" get burnt out, experience sickness or have 'uncurable' and 'chronic' diseases.
We are simply unconsciously creating an internal environment that promotes sickness. We may keep adding another 'healthy protocol' or changing diet for the 30th time or medicating the symptoms away until our last day here if we do not pause and ask:
How to create an internal environment in which the body's natural state of health and vitality can flow?
Why is not my body doing what it is designed to do?
Complete relaxation of our whole being and a curious, receptive attitude allow for bodily feelings to integrate: to enrich and expand our sense of Self and contribute to our wellbeing. This turns off the stress that suppressed feelings create.
This means that aspects of the felt experience of being ourselves that we once upon a time felt neccessary to suppress come back onlilne: we start to harness more of the life force energy that is our birthright; we become more true and authentic with ourselves; we start to remember who we are.

Why present moment body awareness in connection?
Before and after a breathwork session I offer a form of relational exploration where we bring increased body awareness and increased capacity to be curious and receptive of what it's like to be in connection, moment to moment.
As opposed to coming with tips and assumptions I will reveal the impact that you have on me while continually being curious about your experience and how it subtly shifts.
This is for the purpose of not robbing you of the wisdom that you gather by be supported to find the answers within yourself.
I relate to you through the lense that at some deep place inside of you, you have all the answers you are seeking.
Our most ingrained, habitual ways of distracting ourselves from our feelings and our core wounds were formed in relation to our caregivers.
Bringing present moment body awareness into a careful dialogue is a powerful way for you to strengthen your nervous system's perception of safety and unlock your authenticity.
Furthermore, with new levels of safety in connection, what is often revealed is your innate capacity for clarity, joy and creativity.
And, last but not least, your intrinsic health can begin to flow and kickstart every cell in the astonishing organism that you are.
How a session with Robbin might look
Have your undisturbed space prepared, comfortable mat or bed to lay on, blanket, light scarf or eye pillow can be soothing, water bottle, notebook, preferably a good pair of headphones or speakers.
We spend the first few minutes checking in, tuning into each other and addressing any questions.
The main part of about 45-60 minutes is a breathwork/feeling practice with guidance carefully attuned to your needs, challenges and longings.
After the breathwork, to bridge the gap between practice and daily life we go straight into a relational exploration where Robbin gently guides and invites you to bring present moment body awareness into connection.
This is a potent time to give space and attention to any themes that have arisen and experience yourself in a new way of being in connection with another human being.
- We make sure to end in a good space together with aims for the time until next session made clear.
A 90 minute session is highly recommended to get the full treatment. If the session is 60 minutes long you and Robbin will together decide for a variation:
• Only breathwork practice
• Shorter breathwork practice to have time for relational exploration
• Only relational exploration
Your Options
MENTORSHIP PROGRAM (the most rewarding)
10x90 minutes (Duration: 3 months)
If you are dedicated to establishing a more authentic and empowered way of life and connection in your relationships, The OYNS Mentorship Program is for you.
You will have close follow-up over a period of time and this program works at the core of your being: your relationship to yourself.
A program that will keep giving you value for the rest of your life.
Nervous system rewiring takes time and this program gives you a chance to integrate new ways of being in the world, at your own pace.
The program includes homework and follow-up via email between the sessions.
Short Term Program
FULL • 5x90 minutes (Duration: 2 months)
Suitable for you who want to go deep and intimate with yourself for a shorter period of time than the Mentorship Program.
With time for authentic, relational exploration after the breathwork this is a powerful program for taking your body awareness and authentic relational ability to new levels.
Your capacity to welcome any feeling as an opportunity to grow, heal and feel pleasure will also be strenghtened.
LIGHT • 5x60 minutes (Duration: 2 months)
This program gives you an opportunity to get established in the practice, and ready to bring it into your daily life. Suitable for you who are familiar with the practice and want to keep your skills up to speed.
Not sure which program to choose? Try a single session and see what this is like for you.
Single Session
FULL • 90 minutes
This gives you space for authentic, relational exploration, sharing and connection around your experience.
LIGHT • 60 minutes
To have a quick 'in-and-out' boost of your practice with expert guidance.
"Robbin provides a unique opportunity for you to fully let go of daily routines and mental chatter and reconnect with yourself.
His light and strong presence is extremely contagious"
Magdalena Sartori (CoFounder & Chief Creative Officer – The Assemblage, New York City)