Optimize Your Nervous System


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Robbin van der Crussen and Torunn Avelsgaard Lien



the tools, skills and inspiration you need to build a resilient nervous system



safe and trauma-informed spaces for you to explore at your own pace



retreats and online courses designed to make you autonomous in the practices



a world where people are empowered to live from their hearts


“Very powerful and easy to learn methods for learning to understand your nervous system.”



— Kristian Haaland 

IT & Event Manager

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Breath of freedom - free online session every Wednesday 5pm-6pm CET

Community Retreat November 21-24, Opaker GĂĄrd


OYNS in South Africa, January 6-27

Winter Immersion 2025, February 3-6, Spikern, Ytre Enebakk






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"I joined Robbin and Torunn on the '23 April retreat and it was a beautiful experience. I'd do it again without a second of hesitation!


Their approach is SOLID, and at the same time fluid & exploratory allowing space for everyone to find their rhythm - helped us all dive deeper. Maybe even more important - They are such sweet, fun, playful human beings - reminds me of the quote "Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly"Having done 4 or 5 other breathwork retreats in the past year, I HIGHLY recommend theirs"

- Brad

Our modalities








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Our modalities


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To make our content available also to the people who are not able to join our retreats, we offered this special 3-day online course.

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Dive to the depths of yourself and become autonomous in the practices

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Our modalities



We teach and practice a gentle yet powerful, trauma-informed, embodied approach to breathwork.
Here, breathing is actually secondary, while exploring feelings at the level of sensation is primary!
With a whole spectrum of breathing styles to utilize freely and individually, you learn to enhance, explore and enjoy ANY feeling that comes to the surface in the body from the subconscious realms.
Increasing granularity, equanimity, enjoyment and pleasure of your interoceptive capacity lightens the burden of self-suppression that we all carry since childhood. It lets you remember and include more of who you are while harnessing the life force energy that is waiting to flow through you!
Being able to say YES to any feeling in the body activates physical and mental healing at the root level.



Balancing and moving your body in new ways increases neuroplasticity.
You are then better able to learn; establish new habits, replace limiting patterns and proactively create the life you want to live.
Short bursts of intense movement also activate your sympathetic nervous system transiently, facilitating deeper relaxation afterwards.
Most importantly: Having ridiculously fun moving your body motivates and strengthens your whole system's resilience!
Let's reactivate your appreciation for dancing and shaking and playing games!



Deep relaxation is both rare and very potent in modern society. Indeed, it is almost rebellious!
Actively going into deep states of relaxation, where the body is absolutely still yet the mind is alert, awakens awareness and life force energy in every cell of your body and kickstarts the body's innate healing and regeneration mode.
Furthermore, slowing down your brainwaves lets you reprogram limiting core beliefs you have about yourself.



Pendulating between high intensity and deep relaxation allows you to explore and befriend the whole spectrum of your autonomic nervous system.
You will learn how and when to effectively move up and down in autonomic nervous system activation. Self-regulation is a fundamental skill on your path to optimized health and wellbeing.



Training your nervous system to handle more intensity is a powerful skill that allows you to stay connected and receptive to the world around you. You will thank yourself for the rest of your life!
Regulating your nervous system in the presence of extreme cold is a wonderful preparation for regulating your nervous system in ANY life situation.
You will learn to use the breath in various ways to put yourself in the drive's seat by meeting your system where it is at; meeting stress with peace and making this your new way of navigating life. 



At OYNS you learn a simple yet effective concentration meditation that gently empowers you to stay sharp and focused for extended periods of time.
Constantly shifting attention from one thing to another severely stresses the nervous system. So learning the skill of focusing is an essential life skill in today's society, where attention span is rapidly decreasing in the population.



As musicians and avid explorers of sound, we infuse the overall atmosphere in our retreats with soothing, supporting and activating songs and soundscapes.
Music and sound (especially live) directly influence the nervous system and all of your physiology. All sound we make, including our verbal guidance, carry certain frequencies and we put intention and care behind everything we express.
Get ready to breathe along a live harp or be carried into new levels of relaxation by an angelic voice.



« Our core wounds form in relationship and heal in relationship »
The process of befriending and optimizing your nervous system would not be complete without bringing it into a carefully held and structured meeting with another person or a group of people.
Relating consciously reveals both our suboptimal behavioural patterns and limiting beliefs while also revealing the infinite beauty of a human being and all the ways in which we are connected.
By feeling seen and heard at new and often unknown depths (even to ourselves), our nervous system learns safety in the most potent of situations; in relationship.
Our relating exercises prepare us to start integrating the newly acquired ways of being yourself into daily life after the retreat.

Ina Flugsrud Gustavsson

(Facial Reflexologist, Doula)

“The days at OYNS have enriched my life on so many levels. The space of loving presence, beautiful music and stillness allowed me to explore, activate and relax with breathing and movement.

I have treaded new paths, with bare feet and an open heart, listened and let go. I have also let myself be touched, in heightened perceptive encounters, with nature, with others, and with myself.

A thousand thanks for the journey Robbin and Torunn.”

Kristin Troli

(Medical Nurse)

“I can warmly recommend The OYNS retreat. It was very special to be a part of it for me. Exceeded my expectation.

Torunn and Robbin were great host of the event. They were so grounded, warm hearted and eager to share knowledge on how the nervous system functions, how it is influenced by us and our surroundings.

We learned different tools to optimize our nervous system with breathwork, ice bathing, yoga, meditation, dancing, nature, rest ++.

The food was great and the surroundings in the middle of the forest was just perfect.

I wanted to learn to handle stress better and to dig deeper within myself.

Now I have new tools to work on that.”

Jan Emir Gouissem-Hansen

(Preschool Teacher)

“I am so grateful to partake in OYNS. I've learned so much about the breath, nervous system, holding space, letting go and about slowing down.

Torunn and Robbin is an ultimate combo when facilitating these practices. They see that you are well taken care of, and they gently hold space for you to do your work.

The schedule and the exercises are all well thought out. The food is AMAZING!

Thank you so much for this beautiful and challenging experience!”



Sara Borg Thorisdottir

(Ski Instructor)

“Meditation, Breathwork, Yoga and movement. Walking barefoot i nature. Throwing heavy stones and screaming all the way from your root chakra.

Ice bathing and hot sauna. Deep relaxation. Ecstatic dance. Singing. Deep soul connection. Hugs. Deep self connection. Sharing. Respecting each other. Respecting yourself and nature.

Working together. Pushing your boundaries. Encouraging each other. Exploring your senses. Connecting. Connecting with your self and others. Eating good and nourishing food.

Laughing. Crying. Learning. So much learning. Love. So much love. Wow!

What a magical step forward this weekend was for me. I've gained so much mental and physical benefits from this retreat, slash a spiritual bootcamp.

I feel truly blessed. And optimised. And, without a doubt, a better version of my self.

Torunn and Robbin, thank you for being so real, so pure, so loving and so goofy. The wholehearted work you put in this weekend really shined though. I really appreciate both of you”

Kristian Haaland

(IT & Event Manager)




“Very powerful and easy to learn methods for learning to understand your nervous system.”







Haakon Bjørn Due

(Psychology Student)

I think one of the most important skills we can learn as human beings is how to regulate and process our emotions. Without this skill, we remain victims to maladaptive behavioral patterns which we all possess to some degree, such as emotional withdrawal, self-harm, passive aggressiveness, and addiction.
What Torunn and Robbin are offering in their retreats are concrete practices that gives people more freedom in how they react and respond to their feelings and emotions. By  learning about and working directly with the nervous system I now find it easier to tune into my own experience and needs, instead of distracting myself with bad habits. I have also become better at communicating my emotions and needs to those around me in a more calm and mature way, instead of shutting down and withdrawing.
I had a lot of fun at the OYNS Autumn 2023 retreat and give Torunn and Robbin my warmest recommendations. Look forward to participating again!

Martine Setsaas


“If you are seeking happiness, love and safety, but can’t quite get to it, then OYNS can probably help you on the way.

If you are in need of something mindblowing and transformational to create the shift.”

Laila Pellennec

(Master Student in Indigenous Studies)

“I had an amazing experience into myself, guided by very knowledgeable and gentle Robbin and Torunn.

I can only recommend, if you need love, peace, transformation, or important knowledge on how to take care of yourself..”


Andrea Castillo Herrera

(Architect, Yoga Instructor)

“I’m amazed by the power we all have inside us, and our breath, to heal and to bring us back any time we need it!

I believe everybody need in their life to be part of this retreat.”

Kristine Endsjø

(PhD Student in Psychology)

“I’m so happy I decided to go on this retreat, it is definitely one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.

I really enjoyed learning different kinds of practices to balance the nervous system, and the authentic, open-minded and warm environment in the group.

The program was clearly designed with a lot of thought and care, and Torunn and Robbin were incredibly knowledgeable and great spaceholders for deep, challenging and enriching individual processes.

It was a truly transformative experience and I will definitely continue with many of these practices.

Thank you!”


Auguste Miller

(Strategy Consultant / Venture Capitalist)


"A true breath of fresh air!

A great opportunity to slow down, look inward while combining with relationship building exercises. Stunning scenery and nature as well as live music all add to an unforgettable experience.

Highly recommended. Even the ice bath!"

Falk Kjellid

(Art Student)

“From my heart: thank you so much Torunn and Robbin.

I was lost in anxiety ,and depression. OYNS was such a safe place to dive within myself. To figure things out. Beautifully orchestrated to let you feel what you need to feel. With loving people that accept you for all that you are, supporting you. A perfect balance of silence and noise.

The work you do yourself, but Robbin and Torunn will hold your hands with their hearts. And guide you towards the true self.

You will learn how to control your emotions, how to handle the stress with science and love.

This is for everyone. I am forever thankful. Thank you beautiful souls, the other participants and Torunn and Robbin.

It really changed my life.”

Andrea Gamst

(Artistic Creator)


"I am so grateful to have been at OYNS with Robbin and Torunn. This was exactly what I needed in a stressful life to thoroughly plant my feet back into the earth.

The program is broad and highly educative, it activated many processes in me that I now reap the benefits from.

Breath, contemplation, play – all important pieces on my way forward.

I thank you again and strongly recommend this to each and everyone."

Alexander Lund

"What is self love?
After spending a weekend with Torunn and Robbin, I see self love as the absence of the inner critic.
I have been chasing something my entire life. Chasing what? You ask.
 Running away from my feelings would be a better way to frame it. Running away from what's happening in my body, staying with my thoughts, immersing myself in attaining knowledge. Hoping it would take care of my problems.
Turns out that the old part of our brain/nervous system only adheres to action, not knowledge. How are you showing your nervous system that you are actually safe?
Through play, dancing, singing, breathing and sharing, with an incredible group of people, my inner critic eventually took the back seat. With a huge piece of tape over its mouth.
Instead of chasing something “out there”, the solution lies in relaxing enough so that you are able to stay with what's happening in your body. My nervous system trusted that I was safe, and let the little scared boy inside me come out to play.
Thank you."

Kim Ekstø

(Bar & Event Manager)


“OYNS was a transforming and wonderful experience for me!

Everything I learned I've implemented in my everyday life and it has raised my quality of life by a mile!

Robbin and Torunn are great hosts and will take good care of you while you dive into a world of breathing, meditation, yoga, dancing and self exploring!"

I highly recommend everyone to do at least one OYNS in their life!”




Since we met four years ago we have shared a common fascination for self-explorative and self-transcending work, inspired by ancient traditions of healing and modern scientific methods for creating health and wellbeing.

Working closely together we mirror and support each other as we unravel ever deeper understandings of what a human life can be and how to make the most out of it. We have dedicated our lives to share our experiences and knowledge with others, with an intention of aiding the evolution of human consciousness.


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"I have attended many retreats but I have never experienced a retreat that is so supportive to my nervous system and overall well being.


The daily practice we shared under your guidance was so good for me. My body thanks the both of you and my fellow retreatants who I can sincerely and deeply call my friends who offered the safe and supportive space for each of us.

I left the retreat feeling connected (both to myself and to the world outside), centred, calm, rested, present, loved, at ease and most importantly safe.

Its now coming up to a month since the retreat and the positive effects are still with me…. For this I am eternally grateful for the amazing one week Easter Immersion."

- Patricia


“Its hard to put words to an experience like I had at OYNS. Torunn and Robbin do this retreat with such kindness, generosity, humbleness and love and their sincere urge to help people by sharing their knowledge shines through.


In addition they do it with structure and professionalism so you genuinely feel that you are taken by the hand and lead through a transformative process.

They create a safe space for you to be vulnerable and teach you tools to explore yourself and heal.

I can not recommend this experience enough. I truly belive that anyone will come out of there as a better person, more grounded and more in touch with yourself, your body and a better understanding of whatever issues you might be dealing with.

Thank you again Torunn and Robbin”




— Sverrir Kristjánsson

Film Editor